Weekly roundup Saturday 27 April

War memorial

War memorial Forbes NSW

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.

Incomes and labour costs

We have a low-wage problem, and a housing problem, both stemming from poor policies long before this government was elected: stop calling them a “cost of living” crisis.  Economists’ unworldly model of the labour market. How to tackle inequality – raise the minimum wage. Why we should know how much the person sitting in the next office is paid.

Other economics

Let’s not get too excited about the CPI: it shows no sign of runaway inflation breaking out (and never has).  How the electricity market doesn’t work: privatization killed the chance for price signals to work. Why shopping is such a ghastly experience: it’s deliberate design.


Australia vs social media: it’s serious; it has to do with the sovereignty of governments confronted by the ultra-rich; spooks and cops warn that it is about our national security. How democracy has become the collateral damage of fear campaigns.

Public ideas

Globalization and integration – if only it were as simple as it used to be. Is there really a “woke left”, or is it a creation of the right’s need for an enemy.

An Australian Last Post

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relevant sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com