Weekly roundup Saturday 28 January

Tent embassy

Canberra, January 26

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.

Many say that the December-January period is a quiet time for public policy. That certainly hasn’t been so over this summer. To keep this week’s roundup to a tolerable size I will include housing and the RBA’s decisions, education (particularly the Productivity Commission’s recent report), health care and Covid-19 (it’s still raging), energy, and the New South Wales election next week.

Australia’s Constitution

The Voice – up against Dutton and the Greens on a unity ticket. Barry Jones on our weird Constitution. The many ways we see January 26.


Surely there is no case for Stage 3 tax cuts. Economic inequality – it’s not just about income. Big debt – housing debt. Little debt – buy-now-pay-later. Immigrants are coming to Australia once more, but the days of high population growth are behind us. How Australia compares – not too badly, but the Nordic countries do better. Another case study in idiotic privatization. It’s official: women work harder than men.


The Liberals’ election post-mortem – blame everything except their performance in government. For some inexplicable reason young women are turned off faction fights, pre-selection battles and vicious election campaigns. Firearms policies – we’re still too well armed.

Vatican affairs

Vale to a former Pope and to his conservative Aussie disciple who regretted his inability to branch stack the Curia.

Public ideas

If we have reached peak capitalism, what lies beyond? How to design a city – leave it to computers? Luxury and its meanings.

Vatican fashion trends

Links to sources of webinars, podcasts and readings

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relent sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com