Weekly roundup Saturday 21 May


What would Gough have done about unaffordable housing?

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.

The campaign’s final days

Party leaders’ National Press Club addresses. How to vote to stop the return of Morrison and his cronies. Why most boondoggles are probably unconstitutional. Polls 7ndash; the test of polls coming later today.

Weaponized economic data

Statistics on wages and unemployment that would normally pass largely unnoticed become inflated to the status of measures of government performance. Alan Kohler explains monetary policy in two minutes. The gripping account of the Reserve Bank’s last monthly meeting when they discovered there really is inflation. Election costings, and why they are about as reliable as a British sports car – so why does anyone make such a fuss about them?

Housing policy and other assaults on young Australians

Two big parties, two policies that will keep housing unaffordable – one is merely bad, the other is appalling. Counting the ways public policies make hard-working and struggling young people pay for an indolent lifestyle enjoyed by many older people.

National security

The art and craft of spying and why we need spooks.

The pandemic – no, Scott, it’s still raging.

Cases and deaths are up, and our vaccination level is miserable. Covid-19 certainly isn’t going away.

Webinars, podcasts and readings.

A few less this week: what will people talk and write about if we lose the Morrison government?

Bach’s advice for election day

If you have feasted yourself on this selection, Australian websites with regular comment and analysis on economic and political developments include The Australia Institute,The Conversation, The Grattan Institute, Inside Story, The Lowy Institute, Michael West Media, Open Forum, Pearls and Irritations.

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relevant sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com