Weekly roundup Saturday 29 July


Can we reinvigorate our universities? (ANU concourse)

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.


University education – a Coalition success. Unemployment – think 3.5 percent or better. Inflation is actually closer to 3 percent than to 6 percent. How the Reserve Bank is transferring wealth from working Australians to retired baby boomers. Public servants do a better job than consultants and contractors. Real options for long-term casual workers. Measuring what matters – the ABS was doing a better job 10 years ago. Behavioural economics – a tool for good policy or for psychological manipulation?

Australia’s energy transition

Liddell Power Station has closed – get over it. Australia has heaps of wind and sun. So do many other countries. Financiers are backing away from thermal coal. Electric vehicle charging stations – don’t build them and they won’t come.


Trump, Morrison, Dutton cast in the same mould. Apart from Sussan Ley, who wants the Commonwealth Games?

Public ideas

Simon Schama on everything. Republican virtues. The case for lifting the retirement age to 85.

Matunda Ya Uhuru

Links to sources of webinars, podcasts and readings

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relent sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com