Weekly roundup Saturday 25 March


John Gorton Building Canberra, a concentration of public servants. Or are they servants of the ruling party?

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.

Our submissive public service

The Robdebt commission is not only about the scheme’s legality: it’s also about a politicized and enfeebled public service. How consulting firms took over the public service.


How to get a pay rise – change jobs, change industry, change your occupation. How the smart people in finance didn’t see inflation coming.  Bank collapses – what they mean for the cost of capital.

The Voice

More legal wisdom – it’s important, but there’s nothing to fear.  Why the Coalition likes wrecking proposals for constitutional reform.  The still-wide gap.

Other public policy

New South Wales election – the people versus poker machines. Re-capturing public space.

Public ideas

Why is the left so boringly sincere?   Stan Grant ponders what the world will look like in 2050. Can the media re-publish anything it likes?

A selection of wholesome popular music

Links to sources of webinars, podcasts and readings

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relent sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com