Weekly roundup Saturday 12 February

When Brittany had to speak in the open air
Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.
Gender politics
Two strong women speak up and reveal how they made Morrison quiver in fear. Why authoritarians are scared of women.
The long election campaign
A lot can happen in seven weeks: remember Julia’s fate. Barnaby’s character reference. The Coalition discovers that some of its supporters like the ABC. Religious and sex discrimination hard enough for schools: how will the Melbourne Club deal with trans members? How to run a grants program without losing a premier. Coalition trailing the Khmer Rouge in opinion polls.
Democracy and its discontents
Trump’s winning ways. Democracy is in retreat and Afghanistan takes over from North Korea for last place. Power and corruption: where are cause and effect? People are feeling insecure. Putin’s winning ways.
Inflation will rise if Labor is elected. Interest rates will rise if Labor is elected. (And if the Coalition is elected.) Why Frydenberg accidentally applied Keynesian economics. An electric FJ Holden?
Pandemic politics
Worldwide peaks. How the pandemic could be over by December and why it won’t be. Omicron in Australia in four graphs. What does “fully vaccinated” mean? That old false dichotomy: health or the economy.
Webinars, podcasts and readings
Oz Institute, Uncomfortable Conversations, Jolly Swagman.
End of the line for a power station
Death and renewal.
If you have feasted yourself on this selection, Australian websites with regular comment and analysis on economic and political developments include The Conversation, The Grattan Institute, Inside Story, The Lowy Institute, Michael West Media, Open Forum, Pearls and Irritations.
If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relevant sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com