![]() Swainsona formosa (Sturt's Desert Pea) Flinders Ranges
page for Ian McAuley
He has qualifications in engineering (BE) and management (Dip Bus Mgt) from the University of Adelaide and public administration (MPA) from the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. His E-mail is "ian" and the server is at "ianmcauley.com". And they have to be connected, or course, by an "@" sign. (Forgive the complex means; it's protection against web crawlers.)
Recent publications, conference papers (Which publishers have placed on websites or have given approval for reproducing.) Re-thinking “Manufacturing”, prepared for members of The Australian Government Consultative Committee on Knowledge Capital and Communication, October 2024 Inflation explained: paper prepared for The Australian Government Consultative Committee on Knowledge Capital and Communication, June 2023 How COVID-19 and climate change challenge economic assumptions, Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems (BESS), Vol 4, no 2, 2022 Towards more consistent decision making – a review of Daniel Kahneman’s Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgement, Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems (BESS), Vol 4, no 1, 2022 Good government: What it does, why we need it and why small government doesn't work paper to accompany policy discussion at Balmain Institute, with Miriam Lyons, 10 March 2022 Rolling out the barrel – an analysis of corruption in discretionary spending prrograms, in Inside Story, 16 July 2021 Nordic light on Australia's future – Review of The Nordic edge: policy possibilities for Australiae, in Inside Story, 2 July 2021 Beyond apocalypse fatigue – Review of Per Espen Stoknes Tomorrow’s Economy: A Guide to Creating Healthy Green Growth, in Inside Story, 9 March 2021 Leadership, Not Leaders: Reflections on Ronald Heifetz's Theory of Adaptive Leadership, Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems (BESS), Vol 2, no 1, 2021 A brief summary of a long work – Piketty’s Capital and Ideology, in Club Troppo, 10 January 2021 'How change happens': a policy maker's guidebook, Journal of Behavioural Economics and Social Systems (BESS), Vol 1, no 1, 2021 How Covid-19 is reshaping the way we see healthcare, Inside Story, 4 May 2020 In defence of Bridget McKenzie in Inside Story, 30 January 2020 Over-insurance – why it matters, Paper prepared for the NSW Insurance Monitor July 2018 The unbearable weirdness of health care, prepared for Australian Health Care Alliance Summit 27 March 2018 Doing without private health insurance, republished from Consumers' Health Forum Health Voices Issue 20 April 2017 Brexit, Trump and The Lucky Country, prepared for John Menadue's Pearls and Irritations January 2017 A thing or two we learned from public servants in a management course , with Helen Coventry, 2017. Private health insurance and public policy prepared for 2016 Health Insurance Summit July 2016 (With Jennifer Doggett) Submission on government private health insurance consultations, December 2015 (With Jennifer Doggett and John Menadue No wonder we’re wasting money in health care – we got the incentives wrong – paper for the Centre for Policy Development October 2015 Governomics: Can we afford small government? ABC broadcast on Big Ideas at book launch, 30 June 2015, with Miriam Lyons. Fair taxation: an Australian persepective prepared for Symposium "Action to address health equity: ways to create a sustainable revenue base" Flinders Univerity April 2015 Protecting capitalism from itself published in Dissent #45 Fall 2014 (With Jennifer Doggett and John Menadue) The cae for public revenue Submisison to the Select Committee into the Abbott Government’s Commission of Audit January 2014 Behavioural Economics and Public Policy: Some Insights International Journal of Behavioural Accountingand Finance Volume 4 #1 2013 Manufacturing and its place in the value chain published in Dissent #43 Summer 2013-14. Taxes - our payment for civilization Paper to accompany presentation to South Australia Council of Social Services AGM 25 November 2013 (With John Menadue} Principles to Drive Policies and Programs, or What does Labor stand for? Superannuation: A magic pudding (2013 update of 2010 paper) (With Jennifer Doggett) A new approach to health funding published in Dissent #42 Soring 2013 An unhealthy subsidy (subsidies to private health insurance) published in the Canberra Times Inside Story supplement 25 June 2013. Illness v wellness models of health care published in Dissent #40 Summer 2012-13 Where we are now - the state of politics in Australia published in Dissent #39 Spring 2012 Rates to triple? - an analysis of ACT tax changes for the Canberra Times. There is a spreadsheet with supporting calculations., October 2012. A stake in the community published in Dissent #38 Autumn/Winter 2012 The Australian economy: Will our prosperity be short-lived? -- published by The Australian Collaboration March 2012. (With John Menadue) Private health insurance: high in cost, low in equity Centre for Policy Development January 2012. What are we complaining about: an analysis of cost of living pressures Centre for Policy Development Occasional Paper 15, December 2011. The health reform landscape Paper to accompany presentation to Sydney Health Policy Network Conference "Mind over money: reforming national health funding and its implications for mental health" November 2011. The price of civilization published in Dissent #35 Autumn/Winter 2011 Superannuation: Our magic pudding Paper to accompany presentation to "Superannuation: The past, present and future" Conference University of Sydney October 2010 and accompanying Superannuation model – Excel model to model superannuation public policy. The Australian Economy Brief for The Australian Collaboration October 2010. Living off our Resources Chapter for More than Luck Center for Policy Development publication November 2010. When does behavioural economics really matter? – paper to accompany presentation to the behavioural economics stream at the Australian Economic Forum, August 2010. The Commonwealth’s health care initiative: is it really reform? – paper to accompany Crawford Policy Forum, July 2010. Taxing the miners' uncommonly large profit published in Dissent #33 Spring 2010 and accompanying Excel workbook modelling resource taxes. Who's that tugging at our skirts? published in Dissent #32 Autumn/Winter 2010 Health care - a weird industry Paper to accompany presentation to Health Care World Conference April 2010 Health care in Australia: missed opportunities for reform Paper for presentation to Korea Development Institute February 2010 Medicare Select – Another layer of bureaucracy in health care? Paper to accompany presentation to National Health Care Reform Conference, November/December 2009 Unmuddling the health programs of successive governments Paper to accompany presentation to Future of Medicare Forum, November 2009 Medicare Select: Entrenching inequality in health care (with Peter Frank), October 2009, published by the Center for Policy Development Poverty – an economic blight Presentation to Port Phillip Community Group forum, October 2009 A caller from Tusmore: Clarifying the issues in private health insurance published in Dissent #29 Autumn/Winter 2009The case for restoring capital gains tax neutrality Paper for Taxwatch 2009 The Bush – myths and reality published in Dissent #29 Autumn/Winter 2009Understanding human behavior in financial decisionmaking: Some insights from behavioral economics Paper to accompany presentation to National No Interest Loans Scheme Forum, June 2009 Fairness matters Paper to accompany presentation to ACOSS National Conference, April 2009 A path to recovery: A behavioral guide to managing the economic crisis Paper to accompany address to the Financial Counsellors’ Association of Queensland, March 2009 Carbon and consumers Presentation to Public Interest Advocacy Center February 2009 Health care: Re-framing our thinking Paper for presentation at Australian Health Care Reform Alliance Conference March 2009 Recognizing knowledge capital in the private and public sectors Briefing paper for the Australian Government Consultative Committee on Knowledge Capital You can see a lot by just looking: Understanding human judgement in financial decision-making Presentation to Australian Bankers' Association July 2008, published by the Center for Policy Development More than one health insurer is too many Presentation to Health Insurance Summit July 2008, published by the Center for Policy Development Superannuation policy: How to cope between now and the nursing home Paper for policy seminar, ANU, May 2008 Social work: Making a world of difference Address for Social Work Day, ACT, April 2008 A matter of choice ABC Unleashed March 2008 Australia's economy Fact sheet for The Australian Collaboration March 2008 The economics of competition and consumer policies Project for OECD February 2008 The private health insurance mess ABC Unleashed February 2008 Enter left: Let's hope Rudd isn't a "Strong Leader" Center for Policy Development 2008 How the bean-counters took over the campaign Onlineopinion November 2007 Climate Change - the art of re-perceiving Address to Australian Nursing Federation National Conference October 2007 Federal election: The great tax cuts swindle Onlineopinion October 2007 - Link to accompanying spreadsheet. How sick is our health system? Onlineopinion October 2007 Reinterpreting Australia's greatest prime minister Review for Public Administration Today September 2007 Funding health care - a principled approach Center for Policy Development 2007 Roundtable on Demand-side Economics for Consumer Policy: Second Summary Report Project for OECD July 2007. The housing story: the reality of interest rates Center for Policy Development 2007 The Ideal of Public Service Review for The Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 248–259 2007 A health policy for Australia (With John Menadue) Center for Policy Development 2007 Productivity - a dead end Center for Policy Development 2007 Behavioural economics and public policy: some insights Working paper - comments welcome. Australia's economy: Lucky country, unlucky leadership Center for Policy Development 2007 Bedtime economics (review) Center for Policy Development 2007 Paying for health care Center for Policy Development 2007 Accountability - a poor substitute for responsibility Paper for Independent Scholars Association Conference October 2006, subsequently published in Dissent #23 Autumn/Winter 2007 Broad ideas New Matilda March 2007 Behaving ourselves in the marketplace Dissent #22 Summer 2006/07 Austrians and Australian public ideas Center for Policy Development 2006 How to run a country - into debt Center for Policy Development 2006 A civilized tax debate Center for Policy Development 2006 A budget for the lucky country Center for Policy Development 2006 Superannuation - Clever politics, poor policy Center for Policy Development 2006 Don't mention the economy Center for Policy Development 2006 Citizenship and the Common Wealth Address for Wattle Day, September 1, 2006, on behalf of New Matilda. Roundtable on Demand-side Economics for Consumer Policy: First Summary Report Project for OECD April 2006. Orwell and the Australian Language Dissent #19 Summer 2005/2006. Whatever happened to microeconomic reform? Review of Joshua Gans and Stephen King Finishing the Job: Real-World Policy Solutions in Health, Housing, Education and Transport Australian Review of Public Affairs 5 December 2005. The shrinking public sphere (Review) Public Administration Today September-November 2005. Australia's PBS: the wrong looking glass - Consuming Interest #105 Spring 2005. The PBS Panic - The consumer perspective Paper presented to the 3rd annual "Future of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Conference" August 2005. Private Health Insurance: Still Muddling Through Agenda Vol 12, Number 2, 2005. Industry debate - the contribution of the health fund rebate Paper presented to Private Health Insurance Summit, June 2005. Insiders and outsiders Dissent #17 Autumn/Winter 2005 Integrated health care begins with values Health Issues Autumn 2005 # 82 (summary only on web) Health Policy: A different perspective Keynote presentation to SIDS and Stillbirth Symposium Adelaide 11 March 2005. Money, politics and intrigue in Martin Place (Review) Public Administration Today September-November 2004. (With Don Hindle) The effects of increased private health insurance: a review of the evidence - Australian Health Review 2004 #28 (1) 119-138. Values in health policy: how a value-based system can resolve public/private divisions - Paper for Manning Clark House Conference "Reinvigorating Australia", 27 October 2004. Competition reform - too much of a good thing? ABC Perspective 17 March 2004. Taxes and the housing bubble -- how we ruined a rational tax system Dissent #14 Autumn/Winter 2004. Good morning America, how are you? Dissent #13 Summer 2003/04 Stress on public hospitals – why private insurance has made it worse - Research project for the Australian Consumers' Association and the Australian Healthcare Association, February 2004. Flaws with funds - Consuming Interest #97, Spring 2003. Medicare - badly injured but resuscitation is possible - Paper delivered to Australian Nursing Federation Delegates Conference, October 2003. Australia's deficits Dissent #12 Spring 2003. Public debt: another perspective, Australian Review of Public Affairs June 2003. Funding health care - taxes, insurance or markets? - Paper delivered to health insurance summit June 2003. Globalization for all - reviving the spirit of Bretton Woods (PDF 1.1 MB) - research project and paper for Consumers' International April 2003. Leading questions (Review) Dissent #9 Spring 2002. Higher education on a rough road - Research project for the Institution of Engineers on higher education funding. Supermodels - a guide to public policy - Paper for the tenth Annual Colloquium of Superannuation Researchers, University of New South Wales 8-9 July 2002. Australia in 2042: here's where to send the nursing home bills - Consuming Interest #92, Winter 2002. Death is inevitable, why aren't taxes? The Commonwealth's Integenerational Report, Australian Review of Public Affairs June 2002. Public investment in infrastructure - justified and effective - Discussion paper prepared for and published by Institution of Engineers, March 2002. (Word document, 2.3 MB) FAQ Superannuation - Consuming Interest #91, Autumn 2002. Submission to Prime Minister’s Home Ownership Task Force (For the Australian Consumers' Association) 2002 Obsessed with size - how finance has displaced economics in the 2001 election campaign, Australian Review of Public Affairs November 2001. Superannuation and the Public Purpose Dissent #7 Summer 2001/2002. In defence of economics - why public policy doesn't need the triple bottom line - Paper to accompany National Institution for Governance Seminar on the Triple Bottom Line 7 November 2001. Restoring Medicare Dissent #6 Spring 2001. The power of associations - in it for the long haul - Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Association Executives, 25 May 2001. Fiscal Guardians - Review of Wanna et al Managing Public Expenditure in Australia. Australian Review of Public Affairs April 2001. Dumbing down in Canberra - a guide to the public service reform industry - Part 2 Dissent #4 Summer 2000/2001. (With Stephen Leeder) The future of Medicare and health service financing Medical Journal of Australia 2000 173 pp 48-51. Financial dynamism or economic dynamism? - Paper delivered to National Conference of Australian Nursing Home and Extended Care Association Conference, 20 November 2000. Re-thinking social policy - Governments and the community - Paper for ACTCOSS Conference 19 June 2000. The Australian economy - from Menzies to the millenium - Keynote address for the Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Association Executives, 1 June 2000. Dumbing down in Canberra - a guide to the public service reform industry - Part 1 Dissent #2 Autumn/Winter 2000. Community service obligations - Briefing paper for the Australian Consumers' Association 1994.
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