Weekly roundup Saturday 9 March


An enlightened Parliament

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.

National accounts

What the national accounts tell us about an economy hit by a pandemic and shaped by nine years of the Coalition’s crony capitalism and neglect of economic reform.


The scene is set for the Commonwealth to make a major investment in public housing, well beyond its tinkering-at-the-edges proposals, but will it have the political courage? The Greens’ housing policy – surely they could offer something better.

Other economics

We have to replace and supplement an ageing and polluting electricity network – can’t we just get on with it? The gender pay gap may be closed by the time our great-granddaughters retire.


How the Coalition’s scare campaigns work, but not in the way you think. Musings on the Dunkley by-election – good for Labor but not for the nation. The government grovels to the gambling lobby. Paying for news – don’t rely on social media. Why we can expect to hear Ross Garnaut putting the economic case against renewable energy.

Public ideas

The hedgehog and the fox make a seasonal appearance. How neoliberalism ranks along with communism and fascism in the contest for bad public ideas. Getting Darwin right – it’s survival of the friendliest.

Mongolians in the mall

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relent sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com