Vale John Kerin

John Kerin, former Agriculture Minister in the Hawke-Keating Government, died on Wednesday.

There is a brief account of his political life and his contribution to the public purpose on the ABC website, including some thoughtful words from the Prime Minister. In the introduction to Wednesday’s Late Night Live Phillip Adams describes him as “one of Australia’s most delightful politicians”.


He was widely respected. When he was Minister for Agriculture, even the most redneck bushies who harboured a visceral dislike for the Labor Party would say “But Kerin – he’s a good bloke”. When he was a minister a common comment from public servants who dealt with him in Australia and overseas was that they appreciated the professional respect he showed them, and his courteous behaviour. Anyone familiar with Canberra gossip would realize how seldom ministers command such personal affection.

Over the years that I have been maintaining this website, he has been a regular contributor of links to articles and podcasts on economic ideas. Even after he was given a poor medical prognosis earlier this year, he went on providing leads and links. I will miss him deeply.

In his modesty he presented himself as a chook farmer who happened to become a minister, but he had a deep understanding of economic history and ideas, and of the way Australia’s political and economic landscape has been formed. He could have held his own as a professor of economic history, or of political economy, in any university.