A diplomatic snub

How the Reserve Bank insulted German and Austrian nobility

If one travels in central Germany and western Austria there are many reminders of the Hauses Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty). As one example the picture alongside is of Schloss Greinburg, the home of Prince Andreas von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha.

Schloss Greinburg

Did our Reserve Bank consult with Foreign Affairs when they decided to re-design our currency, deleting reference to the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family?

Deutsche Welle has drawn attention to this omission. To attract such attention it must be a sensitive issue in Germany.

Although Australia, Austria and Germany are all strong and vibrant democracies with many shared values, it is strange that our coins and banknotes should carry the images of a German royal family. We should have Australian symbols on our currency, but it would have been diplomatic for the Reserve Bank to have given the German and Austrian embassies notice of its decision.

It's not just the Germans who are bemused. One of our opposition politicians, who seems to be confused about Australian and European geography and history is also upset by the decision.