Webinars, podcasts and readings

Australian Energy Emissions Monitor
The April Australian Energy Emissions Monitor looks at progress, or lack of progress, in Australia as a whole, in meeting energy emissions targets including near complete data on Western Australia (which is not part of the National Electricity Market).
The Policy Post
Martyn Goddard’s Policy Post. Forget Frydenberg’s fiscal fear campaign: we need public services and can fund them. Private hospitals can survive, provided they break their dependence on parasitic, expensive private health insurers.
Australia Institute
Tuesday May 3, 1100 AET, “Poll Position” with Katharine Murphy (The Guardian), Pete Lewis (Essential) and Ebony Bennett (TAI).
The Australia Institute webinars are free, but registration is essential. See the Institute’s webinars webpage.
UTS Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps
See their website for the latest weekly podcasts. “The language of woke taboos”. “Social media is ruining everything” with Jonathan Haidt.
Democracy Sausage
A fortnightly look at politics and current affairs, hosted by Mark Kenny. This week is “Australia’s crunch point”, about political and other developments beyond our border that will be affecting Australia. See the website.
Nicholas Gruen
Nicholas Gruen’s reading and listening. About history repeating itself, or not. “Building institutions for human flourishing”.
Joseph Walker’s Jolly Swagman
See his weekend reading and selected links, accessible through his newsletter. His April 24 list has a NBER working paper on “Additive Growth”, an economic theory that refines established economic models to provide some explanation for slowing productivity and falling interest rates.