Webinars, podcasts and readings

The Policy Post
Martyn Goddard’s Policy Post is a new one. The first post looks at the path of election opinion polls, worldwide problems in mental health services, and lessons from earlier pandemics.
Australia Institute
Tuesday 15 March, 11:00 AEDT, ACTU President Michelle O’Neill in conversation with Greg Jericho “A budget for buying votes or backing workers?”
Wednesday 16 March, 11:00 AEDT, Ed Cooper, author of Facts and other lies: welcome to the disinformation age.
The Australia Institute webinars are free, but registration is essential. See the Institute’s webinars webpage.
UTS Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps
See their website for the latest weekly podcasts. War crimes is one of the topics this week.
Democracy Sausage
A fortnightly look at politics and current affairs, hosted by Mark Kenny “with expert analysis and discussion from researchers at the Australian National University and beyond”. See the website – Ukraine is still prominent. Their latest contribution is “when trust collapses”.
Nicholas Gruen
Nicholas Gruen’s reading and listening. Ukraine again.
Joseph Walker’s Jolly Swagman
See his weekend reading and selected links, accessible through his newsletter. His March 6 list has articles with background to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as some insights on scientific method by Daniel Kahneman.