Weekly roundup Saturday 11 December

Think of something

Time for other states to mask up? (Adelaide Arcade)

Weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy.

There will be one more roundup next Saturday, covering the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) and anything else the Morrison government sneaks into a period when we’re engaged with matters other than politics. Then back on Saturday January 15.

The long election campaign

It’s underway. Everyone except Morrison wants a federal ICAC. Wasn’t that a silly idea about getting Gladys to stand in Warringah? Morrison miraculously provides housing for struggling first home owners. Gen X are waiting for baby boomers to die. Why your next Porsche will cost more.


We’re doing OK but getting anxious and there’s a problem with unemployed young men.

Foreign relations

Why the Chinese are trembling in apprehension of Australia’s military and diplomatic power in Asia. Peter Dutton on Neville Chamberlain. China is persecuting Muslim minorities.

Public ideas

Disappearing conservatives. Pope Francis on refugees.

The pandemic

Nothing useful or interesting on Omicron. As other states open up will they follow the examples of Victoria or New South Wales? How we can really get to >90 percent vaccination without fibbing about the figures.

Polls and surveys

Not looking good for the Coalition but that doesn’t mean it’s Labor’s to lose. Yes, we do want a strong ICAC. Sorry Clive, Australians do like vaccine mandates and believe the unvaccinated should be sent to Nauru or Texas.

Podcasts and a reading list

In case you get bored by the cricket.

The pestilences visited on Canberra

Realisation of a 1964 prophecy.

If you have feasted yourself on this selection, Australian websites with regular comment and analysis on economic and political developments include The Conversation, The Grattan Institute, Inside Story, The Lowy Institute, Michael West Media, Open Forum, Pearls and Irritations.

If you have comments, corrections, or links to other relevant sources, I’d like to hear from you. Please send them to Ian McAuley — ian, at the domain name ianmcauley.com