
Consumer finance salon, University of Melbourne

Wednesday 20 October, 1200 AEST: Brendan Coates of the Grattan Institute and Harry Chemay of The Transparency Taskforce, “Housing (un)affordability in Australia – the biggest threat to adequate retirement incomes?

A description and link to register – “Save my spot” – is on a Crowdcast webpage.

Australia Institute webinars

Tuesday 12 October, 1300 AEST: Katharine Murphy, Pete Lewis, and Ebony Bennett, “Poll position” – a discussion of polling trends and methods. (This webinar is held every two weeks as issues unfold.)

Wednesday 13 October, 1100 AEST: Chris Bowen in conversation with Riche Merzian “Climate of the nation 2021”, including an update of the Institute’s longitudinal survey of community attitudes to climate change.

The webinars are free, but registration is essential. See the Institute’s webinars webpage.